Photography as a form of art and why it is one of my passions…

Photography as a form of art and why it is one of my passions…

Ever since I was 14, I became fascinated with photography. I did not have a proper camera because I could not afford one, but I wanted to take pictures, and so I used my old Sony Ericcsson camera phone. Those were the days. Ten years ago feels like a lifetime ago. And I am not even that old! It was not until 2014 I finally had the money saved up to buy a Canon DSLR.

It became apparent that as I got older that I had creative abilities. It has been a difficult road of figuring out whether or not I am going to specialise in anything, but I certainly have an interest in the arts. Whether it’s filmmaking/acting, performing on stage comedically, writing stories, singing and playing guitar, or taking pictures, they all make me feel better. A stage is where I feel like myself. Does not mean I don’t get full on jitters though! It just means it feels like a place where I might belong.

But of course as we know, photography is not performed on a stage, it is much closer to filmmaking. Being behind a camera has generally provided me with a sense of ease, like I am in control of what I am doing. I can angle it, shape it and line up the shot. Perhaps I have a natural talent for it.

Photography is a form of art for me because I am not the best drawer/painter. Funnily enough that is the only creative skill I am not naturally talented for! So, where I can take a photo someone else might be able to paint. I guess that is how my genes work.

Having studied photography at A-Level and picked it up as a hobby when I was a teenager, it has been a skill that has stuck with me for years. My favourite kind of photography is usually people, or nature and scenery. Portraiture is most interesting though because you get to capture a person’s facial expressions, and you can place them in all kinds of locations. It is always fascinating to me what natural poses or gestures a person might make in front of the camera.

Over the years my ability has adapted and it has become more second nature to me. I do like learning myself and not reading silly instructions, but I cannot always be superwoman! 

I guess the point I am mostly trying to make with this fun article is that if you have talents or skills you enjoy doing, then don’t hold yourself back. Do what makes you happy. 

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